Mar. 4, 2025, 1:00pm (UTC) / 10:00pm(JST) via Zoom
Masanori Itoh (Toyota)
Hiroyuki Ishii (Panasonic)
Masato Endo (Toyota)
Walt (Linux Foundation)
Jan-Simon (Linux Foundation)
Discussion Materials
Presentation deck under review: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xOR1PVTob6HcsxVgw6_DID2x3-dEvgHT/edit
Next Meeting
Next scheduled meeting is Mar. 18 during the LF Member Summit in Napa. Better to cancel Mar. 18 call?
Recap of Recent Events
AGL AMM Spring
Two in-person meetings regarding OSPO-EG (Feb. 25 before SC, Feb. 26 OSPO-EG Updates session), and we got several important comments / questions and discussion.
What is the most important among OSPO activities (Strategy, Compliance, Contribution)?
(Quantitative) KPI of OSPO activities
OpenChain JapanWG Community Day Recall
Mar. 3-4
Panel Discussion
“Your OSPO is not my OSPO“
Some companies started OSPO formation from SBOM handling.
Renesas case was interesting because their contribution activity was driven/promoted by marketing team not engineering team.
Day2 panel
Lots of companies are still handling SBOM using Excel. We have to support those companies/people and ease their pains by offering .
Q. What is the use case of SBOM files?
(1) License Compliance, (2) Security Assurance, …
Some people mentioned configuration management too. E.g., Dependency management
Now, there is no clear standard/guideline for SBOM quality. Some organizations/documents mention SBOM quality, but not clear. For example, what kind of information an SBOM file contain? Supplier name, package name, version, etc. Fluctuations in abbreviation. This causes difficulties to handle SBOMs.
Q. Linux kernel case?
D. Yocto kernel, Renesas kernel…
Executive Deck Review Status
English Expression Improvement → Reflected comments from Philipp
Section 1.3 wording: “Consumption” instead of “Usage“ → “Usage”
Chapter 2 cover slide wording: “Opportunities” or “Benefits” --> “Opportunities”
“Usage or Contribution” per each slide
Section 1.3 “Usage and Contribution” is not described/mentioned later chapters, especiially Chapter 2(“Opportunities”) and Chapter 3(“Management” to control “Risks”).
Discussion to put badge(s) (“Usage“ or/and “Contribution“ ) in the title line of each slide. But, many slides have both aspects. Endo-san will update slides.
“2.1 Ecosystem“
Ecosystem has 2 sides. One is to be the leader of leaders as a winner of competition, the other is sharing a set of software components as a kind of common property to be maintained/improved collectively. Philipp’s statement (already reflected) covers both (IMHO). Endo-san has another idea.
Consider to add (example) KPIs