Audio - AGL AMM Spring 2019 Tokyo notes
Audio - AGL AMM Spring 2019 Tokyo notes
This page was created during the SAT meeting on Thursday March 6th in Tokyo at the AGL AMM Spring 2019.
History shows that 4A was spawn because (shared by Fulup):
Santa Clara meeting stated that the policy manager was the most important one (AudioKinetics committed to do)
After that, a softmixer was added as a natural progression. Some of that was driven by feature limitations or differences between HW products (from members and others).
Jan-Simon shared the URL for the November 2017 F2F Notes
- Must be able to implement features by HW products (amps/DSP solutions including low-cost solutions)
- walt (hidden requirement): leveraging open source requirements
TODO and action items
- Identify the requirements that were used to create 4A initially
- Find the presentation about the 4A genesis and previous efforts
- Create a timeline for next steps on work to be performed
- Identify how to make high-level 4A (alsa?) to work with pipewire as audio middleware
- Coordinate with video architecture efforts
- Test integration between pipewire and Microchip microphone (George and Michael)