AGL Integration Session Yokohama
AGL Integration Session Yokohama
AGL Demo Integration Workshop #1#
Tuesday, Nov 6th 2018
- Graphics, HS/WM disussion
- homescreen service might be rewritten
- windowmanager no api change
- after waltham transmitter merge only a few more patches
- Fulup: Speech & starting applications / foregrounding application → who is providing the api.
- lifecycle in homescreen service ?
- foreground needs to be done
- Discussion around how to implement raising an app by the speech engine on the whiteboard
- Currently:
- 1st get app_id from af-main
- 2) show_window(app_id) to homescreen-service
- Future:
- just show_window(<tbd>) to homescreen-service
- Switch planned after Karlsruhe
- Currently:
- Discussion around how to know which application is in foreground
- not implemented already
- aka lifecycle foreground/background/start/stop
- missing functions will be added by Tanikawa-san until Karlsruhe (first patches)
- Discussion about SPEC-640 (DLT-alike logging daemon)
- Review spreadsheet in SPEC-640
- Fulup presenting about monitoring about supervision in appfw as closest feature to DLT
Wednesday, Nov 7th 2018
- HW equipment shipping has not discussed. We'll confirm with Toyota-san at 8th/Nov
- Progress on smixer/unicens front. Issue identified and working on fix
- lin making progress but does not fully work, yet
- old cluster demo being tested on FF→ weston crash. debugging
Thursday, Nov 8th 2018