CES2023 LXC with agl-demo

CES2023 LXC with agl-demo

the latest progress is report in github-wiki. 


<Japanes follows English>
CES demo integration report 10/31-11/4


  • Issue 

    1agl-demo-platform container--Done

    AGL user session was skipped because of a failed condition check  (ConditionPathExists=/dev/tty7).

    TTY required in agl-session, etc.


    Graphics library error

    Sep 16 12:28:33 h3ulcb-agl agl-compositor[150]: ( 150) PVR:(Error): PVRSRVTimelineCreate[TA]() failed (PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE) in RGXCreateRenderContextCCB() [ :2137 ] Sep 16 12:28:33 h3ulcb-agl agl-compositor[150]: ( 150) PVR:(Error): PVRSRVTimelineCreate[TA]() failed (PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE) in RGXCreateRenderContextCCB() [ :2137 ]

    /dev/pvr_sync  permissionDone

    fail some GLIB error

    Sep 16 12:25:39 h3ulcb homescreen[428]: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.
    This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.
    The overwriting error message was: No technology

    doesn't installed selinux in host side,

    lxc config should be set mount /sys/fs/selinux


build :

SW : AGL 14.0.1 ( agl-demo-platform and agl-ic-container-demo-host)

  1.  bitbake agl-cluster-demo-lxc-host
  2.  bitbake agl-demo-platform


  • agl-iccontainer-demo-host : No modification.  add "agl-selinux" feature
  • agl-demo-platform :
    • add “agl-drm-lease feature
    • add "tar.bz2" in local.conf
      AGL_DEFAULT_IMAGE_FSTYPES:append = " tar.bz2"

Setup :

  1. Flash agl-ic-container image (wic) to SD card, and expand “agl-demo-platform image tarball into SD (/var/lib/machine/agl-ivi)
  2. Change lxc configuration (/var/lib/lxc/ivi-demo/config) to specify “agl-ivi folder.
  3. Copy /etc/default/weston file to /etc/default/agl-compositor in agl-ivi.
  4. And update to “XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/usr/1001
  5. Change "drm-lease" parameter in agl-compositor.service
    1. "--drm-lease=lease0" to "--drm-lease=lease"
  6. disable "tty7" description in usr/lib/systemd/system/agl-session\@agl-driver.service.d/agl-compositor.conf

  7. comment-out "#StandardInput=tty-fail" line in /usr/lib/systemd/system/agl-session\@.service

  8. chown root:202 /dev/pvr_sync

  9. Remove output name (HDMI-A-1) in weston.ini in agl-demo-platform side
  10. add selinux parameter in /var/lib/lxc/ivi-demo/config
    1. lxc.mount.entry = /sys/fs/selinux sys/fs/selinux none bind 0 0