ELISA collaboration

ELISA collaboration

Target release
Document status
Document owner
ReviewerToshihisa Haraki

What is ELISA?

The mission of the Enabling Linux In Safety Applications (ELISA) project is to make it easier for companies to build and certify Linux-based safety-critical applications – systems whose failure could result in loss of human life, significant property damage or environmental damage.  ELISA members are working together to define and maintain a common set of tools and processes that can help companies demonstrate that a Linux-based system meets the necessary safety requirements for certification.

Web page link.

Sub Groups

Development Process

This sub group discuss to qualify Linux process such as design, development, verification, infrastructure maintenance and general.  When you need more detail, please check this slide.

Safety Architecture

This sub group discuss to system architecture with linux and open source software.  More detail will be update.

Collaboration with AGL

The first proposal was done at Open Source Software in Safety-Critical Systems Summit.

ELISA aim to most challenging goal. It takes a long time.  AGL Instrument Cluster EG require to short time solutions.  There is a gap between AGL and ELISA.

A few members of ELISA have a same issue with us.  They are working in development process sub group.  We should learn there activity.

At a QM Qualification of Open Source Software.  It's one of the quality approach.  We should discuss this approach.

ELISA workshop

2020/5 virtual workshop


2020/1 Brussels workshop


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