2021 - Anmol

2021 - Anmol

Basic Information

Student NameAnmol .
Self Introduction

I am currently in the penultimate year of my Engineering and pursuing Computer Science with a Major in Information Technology. I am a Kernel and Operating Systems enthusiast and exploring low abstraction excites me. Currently working on Linux kernel and Jailhouse Hypervisor for embedded, and Researching on the kernel/ring0 security and expanding my knowledge on it for further ring abstractions.

Project TitleVirtIO-blk implementation with AGL on Jailhouse.
Project Description

Jailhouse is a static partitioning hypervisor and its support for Automotive Grade Linux is added in the recent previous seasons of this program. This project aims to implement the inter-cell communication between Jailhouse cells with the help of VirtIO block. The whole project is divided into two parts, first one will focus on implementing a basic working with plain Linux as a non-root guest cell and in the second part, everything will shift towards RTOS as a non-root guest cell.


Progress Report

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