Hypervisor and eCockpit Requirements
Virtualization in the AGL Requirements: Eric Shufro, Satpreet Singh (Panasonic), LaurentC, Mark Silberger (VW)
1. Vision
* Have an opensource project supporting a e-cockpit out of the box solution.
* Support IVI (android/AGL), cluster (AGL), Telematics (Connectivity), safe RTOS (AutoSAR, RTOS)
2. Hypervisor
* ability to virtualize GPU, IOs, networking, CPU and run different virtual machines.
* Support memory separation for each guest
* Support physical suspend to RAM.
* Inter VM communication (Shared memory, network, character)
* Meet ASIL Safety requirements
* OPTEE should be available for all the guests
* Boot time overhead introduced by the hypervisor should be much less than 25%
3. System Behavior
* Power management of vehicle micro and main micro
* Co-ordinate startup and shutdown of all VMs.
* Support early boot using suspend to ram or suspend to disk or other techniques
* Interprocessor communication (bootmicro and mainmicro for different systems (IVI, cluster) including safety considerations.
4. Goals
* Create standard interfaces for inter VM communication.
* Create vehicle power moding strategy and interfaces to VM.
* Create a system block architecture with recommended separation of concerns.
* Standard way of sharing hardware (Virtio) is very important for fast prototyping and portability
* Standard way of software update including peripheral devices and delta update.
5. HW target
* AGL Reference Hardware
* Renesas RCar H3 Starter Kit
* new raspberry Pi