SAT Feature Planning Lists and Details

SAT Feature Planning Lists and Details


SAT001Reduced memory footprint for non-IVI use cases
SAT002Landscape mode demo apps for CES
SAT005Binary Package feed via Yocto or other method
SAT006Software Update

LTS UCB (Smart reusing source code of well-maintained packages like Redhat or Debian distrubutes)

SAT008Next-gen In-vehicle cockpit Linux system architecture beyond existing IVI and IC
SAT012Adopt camera middleware, contribute missing use-cases and improvements upstream
SAT013Camera API use-case: Rear-view camera RVC (backup)
SAT014Camera API use-case: Stitched 360-degree all-around vehicle view
SAT015Camera API use-case: Front-facing camera (incident reporting, …)
SAT016Camera API use-case: Driver-facing camera (attention detection, …)
SAT019Update AGL System Spec. Latest version was completed in 2015
SAT019.1Create Production Requirement SPEC:Toyota will create a production requirements document based on the Basesystem which already contributed. As the next step, we believe that it's necessary for each OEM to extract requirements from this document as a reference.
SAT020RISC-V support for UCB
SAT020.1RISC-V QEMU with graphics
SAT020.2RISC-V board
SAT021Backport revised Yocto CVE checker to Dunfell (Lamprey LTS) and Kirkstone (Octopus and beyond)
SAT022New demo hardware set to replace Green Machines
SAT023Fully UI design upgrade to leach feature vehicle.
Target IVI, IC EG Cluster, other?
Candidate : Based on Suzuki design that contributed by Haraki-san in last year. IC-EG has UI upgrade plan to harmonize to this design (that task is inside a EG plan).

Existing AGL Qt IVI design was not change from y2017.  The flutter based UI is no big improvement from Qt IVI design.
This mean, AGL UI design has not update around 6 years.

I think so, AGL must re activate in this year. This 1st step is update UI design to show AGL activity to all of world.
Haraki-san share the another base design for AGL UI.  Shall discuss based on that design.
This topic is not required to green box update.

SAT024Qt update to 6.
Need or not need for UI upgrade.

Qt5.15 is ended maintain.

Shall migrate to Qt6.2 LTS or Qt6.5 LTS?

When AGL will update UI design, IC and Qt IVI shall migrate to Qt6.x. 

This point is depend on SAT-023.

SAT025New board support. Reach out to AGL member company.
Existing: Renesas, Qualcomm, Intel, NXP, TI, SanCloud.
New: Mediateck, NVIDIA, SiFive, Telechips,

Many SoC bender is already join to AGL.

Renesas, Qualcomm, ARC, Intel, Microchip, NVIDIA, NXP, TI(San Croud), SiFive, Telechips.

SAT shall reach out to non existing AGL support SoC bender.

Microchips, SiFive, Telechips, and more.

When these bender have a motivate to AGL official SoC/board, SAT recommend to that SoC to SC/AB.  

AGL must require to SoC bender support without NDA.

Good example is Renesas.

SAT026Qualcomm Support - work at AB level to get meta-qcom to support 6155 and 8155 BSPs rather than supporting individual companies with different BSPs as well as a plan for future chips.
SAT027Benchmarking different boards for availabilitty and usabilitty as well as performance.
SAT028Create AGL architecture diagram for each profile. to make it easy to understand which package is needed and why.

Create architecture diagram for AGL each profile.
AGL IVI (Qt, flutter, HTML5)
IC and IC container.

Ex. IC container.

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