2021 Roadmap

2021 Roadmap

We collected the members opinion at the end of March 2021.
This is the list of the tasks in IVI-EG.

Task IDTaskPriority (EG task)need contractor or other membersJIRAConfluence
IVI-001Add Flutter UI:We'd like to consider Flutter to have the options of HMIFramework in AGL.We need to develop Flutter apps to serve as sample.2Contractor  
IVI-002Add Flutter Embedder:Toyota will contribute internally developed Flutter Embedder function.-Toyota taskSPEC-3852 
IVI-003Swipe gesture to move content between IVI screens or to RSE or to IC (see also VIRT-004)3Contractor  
IVI-004Add Policy Management function: Toyota will contribute internally developing Policy management function.-Toyota taskSPEC-3851 
IVI-005Basesystem(Toyota's production software) contribution-Done   
IVI-006Create Production Requirement SPEC:Toyota will create a production requirements document based on the Basesystem which already contributed. As the next step, we believe that it's necessary for each OEM to extract requirements from this document as a reference.-Toyota taskSPEC-3853 
IVI-007Explore feasibility of replacing Qt with Flutter2, GTK4, Webapps (WAM) or else1Contractor  
IVI-008Adapt Product Readiness HAL to VirtIO I/F to separate HAL implementation from device driver implementation (related to VIRT-003) Need to discuss with virtIO members. (maybe Toyota tasks or ..)-

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