1. Basic Concept / Strategy

1. Basic Concept / Strategy

Single development platform cannot satisfy two very different objectives,  rapid and assessed/qualified 

  1. Rapid development Software Platform (RSP)
    Software development platform  for innovation, which means individual features and components, as well as prototyping and demo/PoC development
    1. Pros 
      1. Possible to reuse the existing asset of AGL UCB (container features can be added on top of AGL meta layers)
    2. Cons
      1. Too big to use for QM Isolation
  2. QM Isolated Software Platform (QSP)
    Software development platform for product embedded, which is combined assessed  (for embedded) and non-assessed (development tools) packages
    1. Pros 
      1. A reference platform and baseline of product embedded which is,
        1. Easy to use for QM isolation, because of the clear categorization of assessed and non-assessed packages
        2. Minimize number of packages which shoud refer very long term supported source code
    2. Cons
      1. Impossible to reuse the existing AGL UCB as is, big refactoring is required

Gap control

To retention of Unified Code Base, gap control of the two integrations is very important.


  • Plan to release the first version in KK
    • QSP will not be in time for KK's release


  • SRC_URI of each package
    • all packages of RSP refer upstream source code repository of each OSS project
    • assessed packages of QSP prefer to use very long term supported source code repository like Redhat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu's
      • for non-assessed packages, theoretically it is not required to use VLTS source code but it is preferable because of compatibility.
  • All target images can be built from a single recipe tree

(DRAFT) Meta-layers and target images