Rule Based Arbitrator [Under consideration]

Rule Based Arbitrator [Under consideration]

Table of Contents


Policy Manager provides functions to control resources called GUI resources such as screens and sounds according to user operations, applications, vehicles, and driver statuses.

In a system in a car, there are input / output devices such as touch panels, speakers and microphones.
The resources provided by users on those devices, and the resources that provide users with windows, sound streams, input events, etc. for input / output of those devices are collectively defined as GUI resources.

Policy Manager controls the use of GUI resources according to external conditions.
For example, during operation, if there is too much information to the driver, the driver will distract attention from the driving operation, thus controlling the use of GUI resources.

                                Fig. GUI resources




Use Cases

Use CasePriority Remark
External condition collectionExternal condition collection is to receive the external conditions.
Judgment of priority of GUI resourcejudgment of priority of GUI resource is to receive the input/output/control request of GUI resources.

Judgment of priority of GUI resource is to judge the GUI resource owner according to external conditions.
GUI resource controlGUI resource control is to issue the GUI resource control according to judgment.

GUI resource control is to notify the driving mode and day night mode that is calculated by external conditions.

GUI resource control

(Screen Resources)

Policy Manager controls the screen resources

Policy Manager only issues to control the screen resources but it is actually controlled by Vehicle Info Control directly.

One is allocation of each surface such as position, size and size-fitting method.

Second one is visibility control.

・Basically, visibility should be "ON" during area owner was assigned.

・However, visibility may set to "OFF" during driving mode due to driving mode due to driving restriction.

Last one is order control of each layer.

Policy Manager decides the order of each layer, and issue z-order information for each layer.

GUI resource control

(Sound Resources)

Policy Manager controls the sound resources

Policy Manager only issues to control the sound resources but it is actually controlled by Vehicle Info Control directly.

One is playback control such as play, pause and stop.

Policy Manager issues to play sound for sound area owner, and if area owner was changed, then issue to stop previous playing sound stream and to start play latest area owner.

Other one is volume control.

・Two or more sound streams of same zone may playback simultaneously if each sound streams are assigned to different sound type.

・Policy Manager specifies volume parameter for each sound streams.

・if route guidance and music playback are mixed, assign higher volume to route guidance and volume down for music playback.

These are sound manager responsibility

GUI resource control

(Input Resources)

Policy Manager controls the input resources using Vehicle Info Control.These are Input manager responsibility.

Policy Manager only issues to control the input resources but it is actually controlled by Vehicle Info Control directly.

Input resource control is to specify event target to Vehicle Info Control.

System resource

System resource control is to issue the System resource control according to external condition change.

System resource control is to kill process(s) forcibly according to external condition change.

System resource

(External condition collection)

External condition collection is to receive the external conditions.


Functional Requirements

Screen ResourceRequirementPriority Remark
ConfigurationPolicy manager must provide a mechanism to configure physical display information.*
 Policy manager must provide a mechanism to configure the layout.*
 Policy manager must provide a mechanism to configure the area definition.*

Policy manager must provide a mechanism to configure (or define) the priority rule.

Judgment of Priority of GUI Resource

Policy manager must provide a mechanism to assign resource owner to the requested resource according to external condition.


System must provide a mechanism to receive the layer request.

should be modified

System must provide a mechanism to receive the area request.

should be modified

System should provide an interface to request both screen and sound resource simultaneously.


System should provide a mechanism to receive the request of forcibly acquire and forcibly release.


System should provide a mechanism to receive the request that is specified the following effect

   ・the effect at the transition

   ・the effect of display surface


System must provide a mechanism to judge priority of resources.


System must provide a mechanism to judge visible surfaces according to vehicle running state which comes for other component.


System must hide the surface that has too much information.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

GUI Resource Control

System must provide a mechanism to issue the resource control according to judgment.


System must provide a mechanism to issue the following resource control.


   ・Change position


* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader


System should provide a mechanism to set the following effect of the surface to other system.

   ・the effect at the transition

・the effect of display surface

To add
Sound ResourceRequirementPriority Remark
External Condition Collection

System must provide a mechanism to receive/configure the zone definition.


System must provide a mechanism to receive/configure the sound type definition.

Judgment of Priority of GUI Resource

System must provide a mechanism to receive/configure the owner request.


System should provide a mechanism to receive the request of forcibly acquire and forcibly release.


System must assign resource owner as requested.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader


System should provide a mechanism to receive the request that is specified the following effect

   ・the effect at the transition

   ・the effect of output sound

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader


System must provide a mechanism to judge priority of resources when there are two or more resources on same sound type on same zone.


System should provide a mechanism to manage order of the owner request.

FIFO is enough?
GUI Resource Control

System must provide a mechanism to issue the following resource control.


   ・Change zone

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader


System should provide a mechanism to set the following effect of the sound  to other system.

   ・the effect at the transition

   ・the effect of output sound

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

To add
Input ResourceRequirementPriority Remark
External Condition CollectionSystem must provide a mechanism to receive the input device information.Same as usecase
 System must provide a mechanism to receive the event type definition.
Judgment of Priority of GUI Resource

System must provide a mechanism to receive the owner request.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

 System should provide a mechanism to judge whether to accept request according to the limitation routing rule of policy DB.
GUI Resource Control

System must provide a mechanism to issue the following resource control.

   ・Set the routing rule


System should provide a mechanism to set the following information.

   ・Application that has active surface

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader


System should notify the touch event from touch panel to user operating application.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

To add
System ResourceRequirementPriority Remark
External Condition Collection

System must provide a mechanism to collect external conditions to be used by Policy Manager to decide proper system resource.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

This should be listed up in previous section

 Policy Manager must detect creation and deletion of process.

System must provide a mechanism to identify process's role.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Policy manager does not have responsibility for System resource

Policy Manager must detect current memory consumption periodically.

→The Policy Manager must monitor the state of hardware (CPU, Memory, Storage, network, etc.) in order to periodically determine whether the application can be operated.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

this requirement is for resource manager or others, not policy manager.

Policy Manager must detect current CPU consumption periodically.

→Integrated into the above.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

this requirement is for resource manager or others, not policy manager.

System must provide a mechanism to notify application status change to Policy Manager.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

This should be listed up in previous section
System Resource ControlSystem must provide a mechanism to change assigned system resource per process or process group according to external conditions.Policy manager does not have responsibility for System resource

System must provide a mechanism to kill process or process group forcibly.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Policy manager does not have responsibility for System resource

To add
Resource ManagementRequirementPriority Remark

Resource Management shall provide CORBA interfaces to rest of the components - Resource Manager, Policy Manager, Connection Manager.All requirements are not for RBA

Resource Management shall be able to handle resource requests for Audio Sinks(e.g. Cabin Speakers, Headphones)

Resource Management shall be able to handle resource requests for Video Sinks(e.g. Display)

Resource Management shall be able to handle Source arbitration.

Resource Management shall be able to handle validate all the input parameters for a resource request from resource requestors.

Resource Management shall be able to keep track of all the available resources.

Resource Management shall inform about resource availability and unavailability in the system through status update.

Resource Management shall support stacking/queuing of resource requests.

This is not for RBA

Resource Management shall provide an interface to a request owner to remove/withdraw an existing resource request.

Resource Management shall check for every requested resource against a pre-defined set of policies.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall use the system state as an additional input to make a decision.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall not consider requirements to achieve a specific feature functionality.

Resource Management shall not provide support for requirements to achieve a specific feature functionality.

Resource Management shall maintain priorities for all non-entertainment sources.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Deleted because details are not clear

Resource Management shall maintain same priority for all entertainment sources.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Deleted because details are not clear

Resource Management shall be responsible for reporting a broken resource status.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Deleted because details are not clear

Resource Management shall assign a sink instance to a resource request, once the request is granted against the set policy.

Resource Management shall maintain connection state of an already granted connection.

Resource Management shall be responsible for connecting/building a new source-sink connection using the underlying platform support.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall be responsible for removing/releasing  an existing source-sink connection using the underlying platform support.

Resource Management shall be request to mute the audio sink before an existing connection is removed/released.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall provide an interface to unmute the audio sink when a connection is re-established and the active source is ready to use the sink for audio routing.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall provide an interface to unmute an audio sink.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall inform the resource requestor when the sink is connected and ready to be used for audio routing.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management needs to inform the Resource Manager when they are ready to start audio routing.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall maintain the system connection table at any point of time.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

Resource Management shall support handling of change in behavior based on Limo setting.

The number of sinks supported by the system shall be configurable through LCF parameter.

* 4 Need to change because the scope of requirements varies depending on the reader

To add

Non-Functional Requirements


Reference Code

Implement Code

Test Code