本文(AGL Instrument Cluster Development Process Draft)のセクション2.2のクライテリアを具体的に明示するArchitectural criteria of the reusing existing OSSと同様に、
Detailed reusing existing OSS criteria
Describe about detailed reusing existing OSS criteria when AGL use existing OSS.
This section mainly describes what to do when incorporating OSS into the main source code.
T.1 Check for Change logs
Check the "change logs" and compare with "source code changes" , confirm that there are no unintended changes.
Create the document of verification results or write in the release note.
T.2 Check for Fixed bugs with the change logs
Use the "Bug Tracking System" to check the details of the bug based on the "Fixed bug ID" in the change logs.
Create the document of check results or write in the release note.
note) BTS(Bug Tracking System) reference
- Redhat : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/
- Debian : https://www.debian.org/Bugs/
T.3 Check for New bugs by static analysis tools
Use static analysis tools to check for new bugs that there are no unintended.
Create the document of check results or write in the release note.
T.4 Check for Coding rules by static analysis tools
Use static analysis tools to check compliance with AGL coding rules.
Create the document of check results or write in the release note.
T.5 Check for Software interface specification
Check the source code and library software interface specifications provided by OSS.
The important point is to check compatibility from previous version.
Create the document of check results or write in the release note.
T.6 Create the release note
Create a release note and include the following information.
- Date
- Distribution version
- OSS name
- OSS version
- OSS license
- Summary
- Static Analysis Summary
note) If you have any other need points, please comment anything.
note) ソフトウェア要件との適合性も見るべき?レグレッションテストの観点では必要なので、TestSpec側とどちらかで考えは含めておくこと。
D.1 Report of the above tasks
D.1-1 Verification results about comparing "change logs" and "source code changes"(T.1)
D.1-2 Results about Checking for Fixed bugs(T.2)
D.1-3 Results about Checking for New bugs(T.3)
D.1-4 Results about Checking for Coding rules(T.4)
D.1-5 Results about Checking for Software interface specification(T.5)
D.2 Release note(T.6)
(memo in Japanese)
(The following is a draft)
- Determine the role of that software component in the AGL instrument cluster software platform.
Entry Criteria
- E3.2-1 The extraction of the relevant software components shall be completed.
- T3.2-1 Create/update software component use case diagram and description
Create a use case document to show why the that OSS is needed. This document shall be including all of assigned platform functional requirement.
- T3.2-2 Assess to the reusing existing opensource software
OSS assess and certify based on the AGL Instrument Cluster Distribution Criteria.
- T3.2-3 Determine a major version of the OSS
The major version of the OSS shall be selected with a maintenance lifecycle that meets the roadmap creating in section 1. When it OSS is not provided Long Term Support/Stable by upstream, should select downstream that is maintained by distribution.
AGL should select and refer to downstream of one distribution (RedHat/CentOS or Debian or Ubuntu or OpenSUSE or other), not select Yocto code base.
- V3.2-1 Review the use case diagram and description
- V3.2-2 Review the assessment result
- V3.2-3 Review the test .
Exit Criteria
- X3.2-1 TBD
本文(AGL Instrument Cluster Development Process Draft)のセクション2.2のクライテリアを具体的に明示するArchitectural criteria of the reusing existing OSSと同様に、
アーキテクチャ設計は毎回やることではない。→section 2.2の範囲
section 3.2では、"OSSのVupごとにやること"を明確にしていくようなイメージ。