I.1.7: which data is persistent and under which conditions
I.2: Verify that the dynamic behavior of the software conforms to the software architectural design based on the following points.
I.2.1: start-up
I.2.2: shutdown
I.2.3: software update
I.2.4: error handling
I.2.5: recovery
I.3: Verify that software conforms to the resource consumption characteristics based on the following points.
I.3.1: ROM Usage
I.3.2: RAM Usage
I.3.3: EEPROM Usage
I.3.4: CPU Usage
I.3.5: GPU Usage
Create specification for software qualification test, and test the release software package according to the qualification test specification.
The test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence for compliance of the integrated software with the software requirements.
Q.1: Verify that software conforms to the the requirement specification based on the following points.
Q.1.1: relationship between the system elements and the software
Q.1.2: how variants for different model series or configurations are derived
Q.1.3: any database design requirements
Q.1.4: any required error handling and recovery attributes
Q.1.5: any reliability requirements
Q.1.6: any security requirements
Q.1.7: any diagnosis requirements
Q.2: Verify that the dynamic behavior of the software conforms to requirement specification.
Q.2.1: start-up,
Q.2.2: shutdown
Q.2.3: software update
Q.2.4: error handling
Q.2.5: recovery