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Flutter C++ Plugin
https://github.com/toyota-connected/ivi-homescreen-plugins/tree/v2.0/plugins/flatpakhttps://github.com/toyota-connected/ivi-homescreen-plugins/tree/v2.0/plugins/flatpakLinks with flatpak (libflatpak.so), libxml-2.0, and zlib.
Interface API is suitable for querying local flatpak installs
appstream, and metadata is extracted/parsed
Appstream parser work started in separate repository. See below. Hit limitations with C++ libs. Documented in README
Appstream C++ XML Parser
https://github.com/jwinarske/appstream_parser/https://github.com/jwinarske/appstream_parser/SAX parser based
Not yet spec compliant
Flathub appstream XML is used as data
Requires upstream C++ library work to minimize RAM runtime footprint
Required Flutter UI Work
Local component - browse, start, stop, remove
Remote install - add/remove
Remote component - browse, add, remove
6. Protocols and APIs
Details about the protocols and APIs used, such as protobuf/nanopb