- Add discovery and launching of AGL applications via the systemd D-Bus API. AGL applications would provide a systemd user unit applaunchd could discover via the systemd API and then stop/start in response to its own API mechanism. The goal would be to at first deprecate, and then obsolete (for e.g. the Octopus 15.0 release) the direct spawn and D-Bus activation schemes currently implemented. Potential standardization/templating of application systemd units and whether to still rely on the use of .desktop files is something that would require investigation and discussion in the EG. A lesser reason for using ( systemd ) units rather than dD-bus/Bus or direct launcher is launching is for an improvement in logging, a discussion on this can be found in the comments @ https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/comments on SPEC-4211.
- Add a grpc API that duplicates the current D-Bus one, with an eye towards potentially obsoleting the latter in a future release once grpc use is better understood. Rework of the demo homescreen and launchers to use the grpc API would likely be part of this effort unless a separate test application is developed.