This page contains weekly reports of the Virtual Open Systems activity about the "AGL Native VIRTIO phase 2" project.
week 15
Updated the virtio-loopback-adapter GPU's support and split the frames-rendering part to a standalone application. This is intended to result in a viewer-application that uses standardized DRM/KMS APIs to retrieve and render frames from the character device that is probed by the virtio-gpu driver. Performed tests to verify the virtio-gpu probed driver state and the message exchanges with vhost-user-gpu. Tested the virtqueues management and the events/irqs received by the virtio-loopback-adapter threads with success.
Next steps include completing and resolving the issues on the viewer-application for virtio-gpu.
We are following last week's plan and we started working on the first implementation of the vhost-user-can interface for the virtio-loopback-adapter. This is the part of the adapter that handles the communications between [virtio-can](https://lwn.net/Articles/934187/) with the vhost-user-can backend in rust (will be implemented in parallel). As of today, since there is no vhost-user-can front-end device in QEMU project, the development will be based on older adapter's device (ex. GPIO) and the [virtio-can](https://lwn.net/Articles/934187/) QEMU device which is still under RFC phase. Next week we will continue working on the adapter's component, while starting to build an initial vhost-user-can backend device under rust-vmm.
week 14
We are working on the partial rendering issue we have with the glmark2 application. In the debug we are particularly focusing on the virtio-loopback-adapter and the virtqueues notification event mechanism which bridges the vhost-user-gpu and the virtio-gpu driver.