1. Roadmap and Feature Planning
- E2.1-1 The extraction of the relevant software components shall be completed.
- T2.1-1 Create/update diagram and description of software component from use case point of view
- Use case diagram and/or Use case description should be represented in design documents to help understand requirements and to help have common understanding for requirements
- T2.1-2 Describe External design of software component Create/update software component interface description
- This is important information for the component users, so it shall be included in design documents or described as markdown
- Developer shall describe external design using
- define and describe meaning, parameter and return value of each interface
- If the order of calling interface function/method is important, we recommend that developer create a sequence diagram.
- T2.1-4 3 Create/update software component activity diagram and descriptiondiagram
- T2.1-3 4 Create/update software component state machine diagram and descriptionand table
- If the software component to be designed has a state, state transition should be represented by state machine diagram and/or state machine table.
- To prevent omission of consideration during design process, we recommend that developer checks his design using state machine table.
- T2.1-4 5 Create/update software component interface descriptiondeployment diagram
- Developer should clarify related and/or interfering other components or hardware devices.
- T2.1-5 6 Create/update software component test specification
Strong recommendation is to use UML for writing diagrams which are mentioned above.
- V2.1-1 Review the each diagram and description
- V2.1-2 Review the interface description
- V2.1-3 Review the test .
- E2.2-1 The extraction of the relevant software components shall be completed.
- T2.2-1 Create/update software component use case diagram and description
- E3.1-1 AGL development process section 2.1 has been completed.
- E3.1-2
- E3.1-3
- T3.1-1
- T3.1-2
- T3.1-3
- T3.1-4
- T3.1-5