- The business strategy of any Member
- Any attempts to restrict or hinder the growth or use of another industry standardization initiative
- Actual, projected or future prices, or sales terms of their products
- Marketing strategy, production capacity or release dates of their products
- Allocation of customers or customer categories for their products
西方さん/加藤さん(Bosch), 丸山さん(日本精機), 細川さん(ADIT), 林さん(DENSO), 山口さん(AisinAW)、光成さん(BoshWitz), Oshimaさん
原木さん(?スズキ), Kawashimaさん(PanasonicITS)Katoさん(Bosch小松さん(Panasonic), 原木さん太島さん(スズキPanasonic), 小松さん川島さん(Panasonic), 谷川さん、谷川さん(Panasonic)、田口
Web meeting