- multi allocation of tcp ports for apps in same widgetSPEC-2068Resolved issue: SPEC-2068jose bollo
- POI app is currently not working.SPEC-1442Resolved issue: SPEC-1442Naoto YAMAGUCHI
- There is no way to recover when AGL postinstall failedSPEC-700Resolved issue: SPEC-700ronan Le Martret
- afm-install script always returns success even when any error occurredSPEC-699Resolved issue: SPEC-699Jose Bollo
- Update Chinook to Yocto 2.1.3SPEC-647Resolved issue: SPEC-647Changhyeok Bae
- Building on AGL will use the wrong path for the interpreter (pyinstaller)SPEC-572Resolved issue: SPEC-572
- dev-ttyS*.device systemd unit does not start - likely race conditionSPEC-544Resolved issue: SPEC-544Scott Murray
- WIFI UI not in sync with networkmanagerSPEC-531Resolved issue: SPEC-531Tadao Tanikawa
- Add src/qtquickcontrols2-agl repositorySPEC-488Resolved issue: SPEC-488Jan-Simon Moeller
- Add src/qtquickcontrols2-agl-style repositorySPEC-487Resolved issue: SPEC-487Jan-Simon Moeller
- [CC] check if fixed in chinook: CVE-2014-2524 readlineSPEC-468Resolved issue: SPEC-468Walt Miner
- [CC] check if fixed in chinook: CVE-2016-6323 glibcSPEC-467Resolved issue: SPEC-467Scott Murray
- [cc] check if fixed in chinook: CVE-2016-10087 libpngSPEC-466Resolved issue: SPEC-466Scott Murray
- [CC] check if fixed in chinook: CVE-2017-5601 libarchiveSPEC-465Resolved issue: SPEC-465Scott Murray
- [CC] check if fixed in chinook: CVE-2016-6252 shadowSPEC-464Resolved issue: SPEC-464Scott Murray
- [CC] check if fixed in chinook: CVE-2016-9318 / libxml2 recipeSPEC-463Resolved issue: SPEC-463Scott Murray
- Network settings still not completely workingSPEC-453Resolved issue: SPEC-453Yusuke Nakamura
- wired ethernet link going down for few seconds by kernel warningSPEC-446Resolved issue: SPEC-446Tadao Tanikawa
- Add apps/phone repositorySPEC-442Resolved issue: SPEC-442Ryan Day
- Add apps/dashboard repositorySPEC-441Resolved issue: SPEC-441Ryan Day
- UIDs GIDs not persistent across image builds [platform][sota][appfw]SPEC-440Resolved issue: SPEC-440Anton Gerasimov
- Failure to build ago-demo-platform for Raspberry Pi3: Boost 1.60.0_r0 errorSPEC-434Resolved issue: SPEC-434Leon Anavi
- apps should be automatically installed on first bootSPEC-431Resolved issue: SPEC-431ronan Le Martret
- [FTBS] pseudo fail in dbus recipe on chinookSPEC-430Resolved issue: SPEC-430Jan-Simon Moeller
- Build Issue for renesas m3 proSPEC-429Resolved issue: SPEC-429Scott Murray
- Need some advice about amb.SPEC-423Resolved issue: SPEC-423Stephane Desneux
- Need to update qt5.7.1 because Qt5.7 has bug "QTBUG-54822"SPEC-416Resolved issue: SPEC-416Jan-Simon Moeller
- [CC] missed pinning of hvacSPEC-415Resolved issue: SPEC-415Scott Murray
- [CC] missed pinning of qtmultimedia-rtlfm-radio-pluginSPEC-414Resolved issue: SPEC-414Scott Murray
- vmdk/hddimage does not boot in VirtualBox and qemu-kvm (qemux86-64)SPEC-405Resolved issue: SPEC-405Scott Murray
- CI does not check 64 bit architectureSPEC-398Resolved issue: SPEC-398Jan-Simon Moeller
- kernel requires an x86-64 CPU ,but only detected an i686 CPUSPEC-397Resolved issue: SPEC-397Tadao Tanikawa
- vod-server build failSPEC-393Resolved issue: SPEC-393Jan-Simon Moeller
- ostree/appfw: change in file labels through OTA update (ostree deploy)SPEC-386Resolved issue: SPEC-386Anton Gerasimov
- HVAC app fails to launch on multiple platformsSPEC-383Resolved issue: SPEC-383Scott Murray
- Setting for running POI application for CES 2017SPEC-380Resolved issue: SPEC-380Naoto YAMAGUCHI
- Delete ' Backport libdbusc++'SPEC-376Resolved issue: SPEC-376Jan-Simon Moeller
- dbus accessDeniedSPEC-374Resolved issue: SPEC-374Former user
- Porter FTBS in weston due to gstreamer dependencySPEC-373Resolved issue: SPEC-373Yannick Gicquel
- create container script fails on OpenSUSE due to securitySPEC-371Resolved issue: SPEC-371Stephane Desneux
- Previous App screen shown when switching AppSPEC-369Resolved issue: SPEC-369Nobuhiko Tanibata
- Homescreen does not show automatically after bootSPEC-368Resolved issue: SPEC-368Nobuhiko Tanibata
- Critical issues in POI-App: Cynara blocks Navi-API registration to dbusSPEC-367Resolved issue: SPEC-367Jose Bollo
- PulseAudio crash when it plays audio to LineOutSPEC-365Resolved issue: SPEC-365Harunobu Kurokawa
- Building Navigation app for CES 2017SPEC-364Resolved issue: SPEC-364Tadao Tanikawa
- CES2017 MediaPlayerSPEC-363Resolved issue: SPEC-363Tasuku Suzuki
- Home Screen display previous layer 1/2s before commutingSPEC-361Resolved issue: SPEC-361Nobuhiko Tanibata
- ivi-shell fails to manage two screensSPEC-360Resolved issue: SPEC-360w
- To split repositories for apps of CES2017 DemoSPEC-355Resolved issue: SPEC-355Jan-Simon Moeller
- HomeScreen doesn't show upSPEC-333Resolved issue: SPEC-333Jens Bocklage
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